There are words we grew up with, or inherit from speech, or by watching movies that don't really mean much when we put them in writing.
Consider the word: Somewhat.
And in a sentence: This is somewhat puzzling.
It' simpler to just write: This is puzzling. While retaining the original meaning.
These are weak words that weigh down sentences without adding any value to it.
Other weak words:
- Somehow
- A little
- Rather
- Arguably
This is somehow puzzling
This is a little puzzling
This is rather puzzling
This is arguably a little puzzling (worst)
They all be written as: This is puzzling, without the baggage.
Sometimes we try to pre-qualify what we're saying when we don't really need to.
"It seems we were mistaken that... "
"It seems" is unnecessary in this case, as you're saying what it seems to you in the words that come after anyway. It's assumed that's how it seems to you so you don't really need to say it.
The cousins of "it seems" are:
- It appears
- It would appear that
- Noticeably
- I would assume that
- I think
- I believe
The fact that you're saying we assume you think, notice, believe it.
"I think we should make it our priority to make our clients feel cared for", should be rewritten as "We should prioritize making our clients feel cared for".
The addition of the word "I think" actually weakens the sentence.
We use these words (especially in speech) often because we want to come across as being humble. But in writing, it's better to be concise.
If you want to be humble, be more specific about your doubts.
For example:
"Although he might be wrong , we should do as he said"
Instead of "We should do as he said" (Cocky)
or "I think we should do as he said" (Weak)